A Full Page Width Scroller For jQueryUI - wideScroller

I needed a full page width image scroller that supported “infinite scrolling” and could handle being positioned, where the 1st image is aligned to something on the page. Poking around I found most jQuery scrollers made use of scrollTo and would not work when the window was the container. So I coded my own as a jQueryUI widget, this widget can be used with any HTML content. Requirements To use wideScroller you need the following:...

November 22, 2010 · Benjamin Sternthal

Should You Extend or Wrap jQuery UI 1.8 Widgets

As part of a recent project I was tasked with creating a set of custom jQuery UI widgets. When specing my widgets I discovered almost all would use some existing widget features, like sortable. I found myself trying to decide if I should extend existing widgets or somehow wrap the existing widgets with my custom code? I think this is a common question. The jQuery UI widget factory provides a method to inherit one and only one widget....

May 21, 2010 · Benjamin Sternthal

Communication Between jQuery UI Widgets

When writing user interfaces using jQuery I often need widgets to interact with each other. For example, an ajax status widget that displays a spinner when an ajax call starts, and displays a status message when the ajax call completes. This widget should be accessible by whatever other widgets are on the page. In the past I directly called methods from each widget, but this creates a lot of “glue code” and dependencies....

March 22, 2010 · Benjamin Sternthal

Installing Node.Js On OS X 10.6

{% alert info %} Updated May 7 2010, With Version 0.1.94 From GitHub {% endalert %} Node.js is evented i/o for Google’s V8 Server Side JavaScript engine. For me . . . node.js means I can write apps that can handle tons of requests without having to learn/think about threads & locks (all I know about threads is that they are scary and involve big books from O’reilly). As a front-end developer the node....

February 8, 2010 · Benjamin Sternthal